Sunday, October 29, 2023

Diy paper leaves

How to makeeasy paper leaf Wall decoration using paper and cardboard how to make cardboard into craft decor for wallPaper leaves Diy amazing wall art ideapaper leaf wall decoration EASY TO MAKE BEAUTIFUL LEAVES USING THICK PAPER OR CHART PAPER AND ACRYLIC PAINTS paper leaves by Jane caroline
Wall decoration idea How to make leaves using paper

wall putty wall art /palette knife art

Wondering if u can paint using wall putty ?? 
Well yes you can 
TEXTURED FLOWERS USING WALL PUTTY Easy simple art with palette knife
DIY WALL ART USING LEFTOVER WALL PUTTY Easy wall art amazing art with wall putty

Amazing easy to make flowers making tutorials are available on Jane caroline youtube channel . TODAY I PAINTED FLOWERS WITH PALETTE KNIFE/ WALL PUTTY Flowers on a CARDBOARD  /Made a beautiful simple wall art with a Bible scripture/ WALL decoration idea /inspirational quote wall craft DIY

How to draw cute cartoony animals /Learn Alphabets with living creatures Diy book